При сватбите с чуждоезични гости не винаги е вариант воденето да се осъществява на два езика. В този случай някои двойки с уважение към гостите си подготвят листовка с описание на английски език на ритуалите, които ще се осъществят. За ваше улеснение съм подготовил описанието на най-популярните ритуали.
Welcoming the newlyweds with salt and honey
As the newlyweds enter, greeted by applause from the guests, they walk on a white cloth decorated with flowers, wheat and coins, symbolizing the promise of a bright journey ahead, filled with prosperity and abundance. Tradition dictates that the groom’s mother feeds the couple with pieces of „pogacha,“ a traditional round Bulgarian wedding bread. The first two pieces are dipped in salt and the latter in honey. The salt serves as a reminder of life’s challenges, thus the portion is modest, while the honey represents the most cherished moments, symbolizing sweetness and joy.
Kicking the copper pot
The bride kicks a copper pot containing water, a white flower, and a red flower. Traditionally in Bulgaria, water is poured on the ground at significant moments to destine a smooth flow of life. Whichever flower moves further away determines the gender of the first-born in the family, with red symbolizing a girl and white symbolizing a boy.
Chanting „Gorchivo“
„Gorchivo“ means „Bitter“ and is often chanted at Bulgarian weddings. The bitterness can only be overcome by a kiss between the bride and the groom.
Breaking the wedding bread
The newlyweds break a traditional Bulgarian wedding bread. Whoever breaks off the larger piece will control the household.
Horo dance
Horo is a type of traditional group dance. Most horos played at weddings consist of very simple steps, typically involving 3 steps forward and 2 steps backward or 2 steps forward and 1 step backward.
Kumove and Kumova Rachenica
The „kumove“ are the Bulgarian version of the best man and maid of honor. They are usually but not necessarily family. The man is called „kum“ and the woman is called „kuma“.
Some of their duties on the wedding day include:
- Witness the civil marriage ceremony and participating in the church marriage ceremony;
- The best man must propose a toast;
- The kumove perform a traditional Bulgarian dance „Rachenica“, in which they engage with other dancers in a playful manner to „steal“ gifts – traditional Bulgarian bread and flamboyantly decorated roasted chicken.
Статията е публикувана на 27 март 2024 година.
Автор: Николай Митев
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